3Es of sand railways


Brand new 3Es went in considerable numbers to Silesian sand railways. For many years they remained an element of the industrial landscape. With reduced demand for filling materials and de-electrification of several lines they disappeared, finally going to private companies (now merged with DB Schenker Rail Polska) or ending up at scrapyards. Several pictures from my collection recall days now gone by.



3E-67, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 653/1969), location and date unknown.



3E-75, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 723/1971), location and date unknown (as well as the identity of the other 3E).



3E-75 again, together with 3E-63 (Pafawag 649/1969) from the Kuźnica Warężyńska sand mine, Andaluzja colliery, May 20, 2002.



Another picture of the 3E-63, taken on the same occasion.



3E-57 (Pafawag 554/1968) and 3E-59 (Pafawag 556/1968), Kuźnica Warężyńska sand mine, the same location and date.



3E-66 (Pafawag 652/1969), already with CTL but still in old livery, location unknown, May 23, 2002.



3E-52, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 528/1967), Sosnowiec Jęzor, May 23, 2002.



3E-51, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 511/1967) and another 3E of unknown identity, location and date unknown.



3E-44, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 444/1966), Szczakowa Południowa, May 23, 2002.



3E-44 again, this time with another 3E, Sosnowiec Jęzor, the same date.



3E-31, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 136/1961), location and date unknown.



3E-30, Szczakowa sand mine (Pafawag 135/1961), location and date unknown.