This locomotive is probably Hannover 3895 (Union 1428/1905). Source: Lokomotiven der alten deutschen Staats- und Privatbahnen by Hermann Maey and
Erhard Born (Transpress, 1983). Side drawing of the G43; source: Lokomotiv-Archiv Preußen
Band 2 (see References). KPEV Danzig 1249 (Union
1379/1905); I have no information of the future fate of this engine. Source: Die Lokomotive
April 1910 via
stage in the development of Prussian 0-3-0 freighters was class G43.
Prototype (Union 1290/1903) was
followed by 62 production examples from the same manufacturer; the last one
was 1547/1907. Generally similar to class G42, they differed
mainly in boiler, which was shorter, but of larger diameter and featured
enlarged grate. Heusinger valve gear replaced
obsolete Allan unit and diameter of the low-pressure cylinder was increased
to 680 mm. All engines were fitted with Knorr or Westinghouse brakes. Maximum
speed was increased to 60 km/h, but axle load rose to 15.6 tonnes. Class G43 was already obsolescent at
the time of its appearance, hence modest production figures compared to these
of earlier 0-3-0s, of which over three thousand were built. Most locomotives
of this type served with mixed traffic on secondary lines in eastern Germany. After the war newly-formed DRG initially
intended to keep 37 locomotives in service, but finally only 27 were classed
533. All were withdrawn until 1928. Polish state railways received
eleven examples. They were classed Th4 and assigned service numbers Th4-1
through 10 and Th4-1Dz (Dz standing for ‘Danzig’,
or Gdańsk). Six examples were withdrawn between
1927 and 1936. The remaining four (Th4-1, -6, -9 and -10) were transferred to
Gdańsk and re-numbered Th4-2Dz, -3Dz, -4Dz and
-5Dz, respectively. Due to this re-numbering, some sources give that PKP
had ten examples plus five in Gdańsk. Four engines
fell into German hands in September 1939; of these, three were re-numbered
once more, this time becoming 53 7751 through 7753. They survived the war and
all were withdrawn from DB until 1951. Former Th4-4Dz was probably not
re-numbered and the fate of Th4-1Dz is unknown. No locomotive of this type
has survived until today. Main technical data
and acknowledgments
(Ingo Hütter’s database); -
TB vol. 2; -
Lokomotiv-Archiv Preußen Band 2
by Andreas Wagner (Bechtermünz Verlag,
1996). |